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Audience Applauding

Welcome to our news feed, where we celebrate the accomplishments of our lab members!

May 2024

Congratulations to Nour Yassine who presented two posters on cognitive retrieval strategies for unresolved autobiographical memories at a special interest conference on Autobiographical Processing and Psychopathology in Belgium!

May 2024

Congratulations to Brynn Bondy who presented a poster on psychological closure at the Association for Psychological Science (APS) conference in San Francisco! 

April 2021

Congratulations to Serena Robinson and Meaghan Sider who have successfully completed their honours theses and have presented their research as posters on campus for the psychology thesis course. You both did an excellent job!

March 2024

Congratulations to Serena Robinson who has won a gold medal award for her presentation at the UWill Discover Conference. Excellent work Serena!

September 2024

Congratulations to Nour Yassine who has been awarded an Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS) for her master's thesis research. Way to go Nour!

September 2023

Congratulations to Nour Yassine on her admission into the MA/PhD Program in Clinical Psychology (Adult Track) at the University of Windsor. We are so fortunate to have you Nour!

June 2023

Congratulations to Nour Yassine and Rachel Shiells on successfully presenting their research on retrieval strategies for various types of autobiographical events (Nour) and the impacts of lockdowns on memory, sense of time, and social connection (Rachel) at the Canadian Psychological Association (CPA) Annual Convention. You both did an excellent job!

May 2023

Congratulations to Brynn Bondy on providing an excellent oral presentation of her Honours Thesis research (barriers to and determinants of psychological closure) at the Ontario Undergraduate Thesis Conference. Way to go Brynn!

April 2023

Congratulations to Brynn Bondy on the successful completion of her Honours Thesis in Psychology. Brynn used a mixed-methods approach to investigate barriers to and determinants of psychological closure for resolved and unresolved event-memories. Excellent work Brynn!

April 2023

Congratulations to Robert Papak and Nour Yassine for receiving Canadian Graduate Scholarships for their Masters Thesis research. These prestigious and competitive honours are very well deserved!

September 2022

Congratulations to Robert Papak on his admission into the MA/PhD Program in Clinical Psychology (Adult Track) at the University of Windsor. Welcome Robert!

August 2022

Congratulations to Camille Busby on receiving the Canadian Psychological Association's Award for Academic Excellence in Honours Thesis Research. Terrific work Camille!

April 2022

Congratulations to Camille Busby on the successful completion of her Honours Thesis in Psychology. Camille used an experimental design to investigate the effects of narrative perspective on state self-compassion, emotion, and psychological closure for unresolved event-memories. Well done Camille!

April 2022 

Congratulations to Rachel Shiells on the successful completion of her Honours Thesis in Psychology. Rachel used a mixed-methods approach to study the impacts of COVID lockdowns on memory, sense of time, and social connection. Way to go Rachel!


Stay tuned..More to come!

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